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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Rod Hutchison se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 2:03 pm 
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РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 13, 2010 9:30 am
After being unavailable for a short time, legendary carp brand Rod Hutchinson is set for a revival in 2014 under Italian ownership, while enlisting the help of a bait-industry expert. Tackle Trade World uncovers its plans for European expansion and beyond.
FAMOUS carp fishing brand Rod Hutchison is set for a significant revival in 2014 with aims of conquering European markets in the pipeline.
The company, which has been a sleeping giant for several years, is now owned by Italian firm IFID Holdings and has recruited the help of bait-market guru Pete Chandler as sales and marketing director in its bid for expansion.
Pete is widely regarded as the catalyst behind the UK and European success of British brand Dynamite Baits and is hoping to emulate similar achievements with Rod Hutchinson.
“This brand was started by Rod Hutchinson himself and he will be back involved again in this new push,” Pete told TTW.
“He is a true legend of carp fishing and one of the pioneers of the modern bait market as we know it. Some of the original flavours and attractants that Rod created are proven fish catchers and have been for more than 30 years – they are what we will be basing the comeback of the Rod Hutchinson brand on.
“When I was approached by Federico Fiamenga, the owner of IFID, about this role, it is something I could not turn down. Having worked with Rod in the past, I know the passion and credibility that he brings as a genuine angling celebrity. The legend is back and it is a very exciting time for us involved and also those who remember it fondly.”
Pete has spent the last three months creating a brand-new 76-page trade catalogue that will be available among European dealers very soon. Rod Hutchinson products will be available from March and through weekly deliveries from IFID’s headquaters in Italy.
Pete and the team have already secured one European distributor, French firm Fishing Partners and also has Italian distribution courtesy of IFID, but Europe is a blank canvas as far as he is concerned.
“Initially the countries we are targeting are the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Serbia, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria and Greece. We want to hear from wholesalers and distributors in those countries interested in taking the new bait collection as well as the other tackle on offer,” added Pete.
A highlight of the new bait line-up from the brand is the Instant Attractor range – a collection of boilies made in the same unique flavours that Rod originally created back in the 1970s. Alongside that, the brand is offering some terrific-value carp rods and is expected to launch bivvies and luggage later in the year.
“We are in talks to appear at this year’s EFTTEX,” revealed Pete. “There you will see that this is a serious venture and Rod Hutchinson is back for good.”

Rodjen da peca,Nateran da radi

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 2:10 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 06, 2010 10:29 am
Да не менуваат и они паковање како Солар,гледам многу ароми ги нема на таклебокс и последен пат кога нарачав сите беа по 9еу после за една недела ги гледав по 12-13еу беа сикрет и мулбери а сега ги нема.

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high.....and don't be afraid of the dark.... at the end of the storm Is a golden sky....

Alliance Carp Team

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 2:16 pm 
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РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 13, 2010 9:30 am
nesto ima ke vidime sto ;) ;)

Rodjen da peca,Nateran da radi

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 2:27 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 06, 2010 10:29 am
Ке осетиме по џебот најверојатно :mrgreen:

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high.....and don't be afraid of the dark.... at the end of the storm Is a golden sky....

Alliance Carp Team

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 3:33 pm 

РегистриранCOLONНед Јан 26, 2014 11:05 pm
[ img ]

... 2014 ... 100 ml ... 25 eura ... :D

KEEP CALM AND CARP ON !!! ... or ... RIDE A BITCH ... :filip:

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 3:38 pm 

РегистриранCOLONЧет Феб 28, 2013 11:22 pm
vo KL angelsport gi ima site momentalno ako ima koj da ti donesi ili preku dhl.e sega za kvalitet ne znam treba da se poraca i da se vidi barem od nekolku aromi.

Shimano tribal realtree

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 3:50 pm 

РегистриранCOLONНед Јан 26, 2014 11:05 pm
ова е донесено од хрватска пред недела дена ... 190kn = 25e

према тоа како изгледа ... вискозност и интензитет на мирис ... и како се однесува припремен (боила / прихрана) ... не е разблажуван / препакуван и слично

како ќе работи на вода ... коа ќе стасаат комплет новите играчки ... па све комплет ќе испробам ... ;)

KEEP CALM AND CARP ON !!! ... or ... RIDE A BITCH ... :filip:

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 3:55 pm 

РегистриранCOLONНед Jул 10, 2011 1:06 pm
Go ima i vo Srbija ama kolku e orginal ne znam...
http://magiccarpshop.com/products/497/m ... rentinejpg

[ img ]

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 4:00 pm 
Членски аватор

РегистриранCOLONСаб Ное 06, 2010 10:29 am
Мулбери и монстер краб 50мл земав јас пред помалку од месец беше 9еу,мислам сите беа по 9еу.После тоа ги видов само мулбери и сикрет беа по 12-13еу зборам за 50мл.Беа поделени како на три групи од 9,10 и 12-13еу.
Сеа по ново кој знае што ке измислат..

When you walk through a storm hold your head up high.....and don't be afraid of the dark.... at the end of the storm Is a golden sky....

Alliance Carp Team

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 Наслов на мислењетоCOLON Re: RH se vraka na golema vrata vo evropa
ТемаИспратеноCOLONСаб Maр 01, 2014 4:01 pm 

РегистриранCOLONЧет Феб 28, 2013 11:22 pm
neznam sigurno ama megic mislam deka ne raboti momentalno se preseluva vo nov dukan ili go renovira stariot.poevtini se tamu e sega kolku e original !!!!!!

Shimano tribal realtree

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