Абе нешто читам по израелски/руски форуми дека ќе имало неколку подсектори или подзони...
слабо ми шифта преводов на англиски, оди дешифрирај...
in this championship for the first time in the calculation of the results in the carp fishing will apply the principle of poluzon, which for several years has been working in the float and donochnyh championships. When the number of teams over 20 (and now they have gathered a record number - 26), each of the competition area is divided into two conditional subzones (from the first to the 13th sector and from 14 th to 26 th sector), the results of which will be fed independently. This is done in order to compare the results of the athletes competing in the most similar conditions of the reservoir, since the presence of a large number of teams, the beginning of the end zone and it is often characterized by their terms as if they were two different vodoema.Seychas Russian team prepares the necessary feed and check the equipment and gear.
from the innovations: 1) due to the large number of teams (26), each zone will be divided into 2 subzones for 13 sectors. Counting the spots in zones will be carried out by sub-zones, ie in each subzone will be 1,2,3 and so on place, and in each zone will be 2 first, second and third places. As a result, all the zones will be - 6 first places, 6 second places, six third places. Just like being counted in the float. 2) New rules FIPS. By decision of the Technical Commission FIPS (meeting tonight) can be reduced by crediting the weight of fish to 1 kg !!!
Колку што можам јас да дешифрирам е дека ќе има 6 сектори поради голем број на екипи и поради рамноправност...значи 6 први, 6 втори, 6 трети итн итн..
Ќе се мери риба над 1 кг.
Ова треба да се провери, односно некој од нашиве да потврди.