The usage of baits and animal ground baits, both living and dead, fish roe and products of metal origin is strictly forbidden.
Only the following will be authorised:
- meals, covering mixes,
- seeds, boilies and pellets, natural or artificial.
All of the mixes prepared using the above products must not exceed the size of a 70 mm ball. Argyle, bentonite and baiting-
leads on which covering meal has been placed are forbidden.
During the 72 hours of angling, the amount of fish food for both ground baiting and baiting shall not exceed 200 kg per pair; this amount may however be reduced depending on the venue.
At the end of the competition, any rests of ground baits must not be thrown into the water.
-15- The competition will be performed by sectors, in one leg of the duration 72 hours; in case of a forced interruption (e.g. a thunderstorm), the leg will be considered valid providing it has lasted for at least 48 hours.
In the event of an interruption due to a storm prior to the end of 48 hours of competition, the competition may resume, but the period of interruption shall not be added to the initial 72 hours. If the interruption occurs after 48 hours of competition have elapsed, the competition shall not be resumed, and the results thus far obtained shall be deemed valid.
-16- Each competitor is expected to follow rules of the competition integrally.
-17- The length of the rods must be less than 4 meters.
Reels must obligatorily be equipped with a fixed drag.
The fishing action must be performed inside the competition ring delimited by means of two half-lines originating from each of the two pegs that delimit the competition area. Baiting outside this competition area is forbidden.
During the angling operation, all mounted lines must be thrown from the fishing ring, only using the fishing rod and not by any other means.
Only a single hook will be allowed for each fishing-line; the usage of the hair rig is compulsory.
Only traditional angling methods with a lead of a minimum of 50 g will be allowed. If it breaks, the type of assembling used will allow the fish to easily free itself from the lead. At the same time, the assembling of the fishing line should also have a “anti shock” system in order to avoid breaks when casting.
Fishing using floats is forbidden.
Fishing using ground baiting and rods of the subsequent types: swing feeder, swing tip, quiver tip and resorts baits is forbidden.
Back leads will be allowed, but at any time, the stewards may require their withdrawal to verify the angling axes.
During the throwing of the tackles, the lead must not have any lateral movements in the ring. Lead movements must follow obligatorily be in the direction of the ring/water and water/ring.
The usage of remote controlled and echo scanner devices is forbidden.
The usage of electronic, acoustic and visual bite signalling units is allowed.
The limits of the fishing areas may be signalled by means of 2 reference floats, which may or may not be luminous. These references must be installed inside the fishing area as defined by the pegs demarcating the competition area. References may be maintained throughout the competition, but will have to be removed when the competition has ended.
The keepnets and the damp reception beds are compulsory to accommodate the fish. Their size and quality must ensure the safety of the fish.
The keepnets and the damp reception beds must obligatorily be dampened before accommodating the fish.
After the weighing, the fish, which is living and in optimal condition, must be put back into the water with due precaution.
Fishing tents must obligatorily be installed inside the assigned ring.
It is forbidden to illuminate the water by means of torches or lamps; however, it is allowed to use illumination aids inside the tent (discrete lighting with a frontal torch will be allowed to net fish).
One competitor, or two in case of a simultaneous double catch, may enter the water up to the boots (below the knees) but only to net a fish or keep it in the net.
At the end of the competition, the rings must to be left in perfect conditions of cleanliness.
All devices with a propulsion power using compressed air, gas or electricity are forbidden.
The circulation of cars is prohibited during the night, except for the cars belonging to the organizers.
At night only a Team Manager may enter the competitors’ rings, but he will have to be accompanied by a steward or by a Team Manager of a different nationality.
The catching of fish is judged valid, even if it is incidentally hooked outside the mouth. Every fish caught but not hanging from the angler’s line shall not be considered valid and shall be put back in water.
A deliberate foul hooking of fish is strictly forbidden.
Flames of any nature are forbidden below the awning.
During the competition, anglers are allowed to use auriculars and walkie-talkies.
-18- Competitors may keep and assemble as many rods as they wish, but they are allowed to fish only with a maximum of 4 rods per pair at a time. Extra rods must be placed vertically outside the angling rod pods, whereas the poles used for placing of luminous signals must be identified and signalled and they must not be set up on the rod pod maintaining poles in action.
-19- The usage of the net is allowed only for the competitors.
-20- Competitors are not allowed to receive outside help; only the team manager is authorized to access the angling ring of the competitors of his team and this only to give verbal advice; a team manager is not allowed to enter the ring of a pair who is not part of his team.
-21- Competitors may use the ring allotted to them as they prefer.
Inside the ring allotted to them, the competitors must move discreetly and noiselessly. Any angling action must only be performed inside the ring (throw-in, recuperating, ground baiting and netting).
At night the use of “flashes” or any other lighting system is forbidden (hours to be established during the course of the first meeting of team managers).
-22- Anglers must wait for the first signal to access their ring; after the first signal, they may start preparing their equipment, testing their tackle, preparing their ground bait (except for the limitations indicated in article 14). To perform these preparative operations, they have 120 minutes at their disposal.
At the second signal, the competitors may start the operations of ground baiting and fishing.
Only manual baiting or baiting using a catapult manipulated with both hands (of the type used for throwing baits), tubes for throwing boilies handled with one or two hands, big spoons with handle or grip held by one or two hands, catapults placed on the ground and handled with two hands, the propulsion power of which must be elastic bands or, possibly, springs, soluble bags, soluble wires, baits rockets with a dimension that does not exceed 70 millimetres at the inner diameter and 200 millimetres of length, thrown by means of a fishing-rod are allowed. From 6.30 p.m. until 9 a.m., it is forbidden to use the catapults and bait rockets placed on the ground. Only throwing sticks for boilies using one or both hands and the catapult handled with two hands are authorised.
Except for this time band, baiting is allowed with all baits and systems allowed as per the rules.
The third signal warns the competitors that only 15 minutes remain until the end of the competition.
The fourth signal marks the end of the competition.
Another 15 minutes are allowed to take out a fish from the water before the 4th signal.
In this case, a 5th signal will be issued 15 minutes after the 4th signal; after the 5th signal, no fish will count unless it is totally clear of the water.
The acoustic signals for the different phases of the championships should be short; in all cases, the beginning of the signal is taken into consideration. _________________ ЗСРРК Мак Дам
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